Monday, April 25, 2011

Flight Attendant Humor

The newest thing in air travel is "humorous" flight attendants (don't believe it? I just spent approx. 15 hours on a variety of airplanes with a variety of flight attendants who thought they were funny). Now, I certainly am not against a little humor being injected into my day,  but I'm not really sure I want my laughs in flight attendant form.

I mean, first off, I'm only on an airplane because I mean to do business- traveling business. No one just hops a plane for the entertainment value of it all. If I wanted a quick laugh, I have YouTube for that. Second, I'm not really sure how much human interaction I want on the airplane. One measly flight attendant joke is the first step to me being stuck talking to an elderly woman for the rest of the six hour flight (It isn't fun...and you can't ignore them because you are forced to stay there, trapped in your seat...listening to an old lady talk about her fifteen thousand grandchildren...for the whole flight... Avoid eye contact!)

Humor is also a trciky thing (that flight attendants should leave well enough alone), because not everyone takes everything the same way. One flight attendant might make a ridiculously cheesy joke that has you rolling your eyes and thinking "please, please take the microphone away from her... my electronic devices aren't approved for another twenty minutes, so I can't tune this absurdity out with my ipod." On the other hand, the jokey flight attendant might just snark at all the passengers under a guise of humor, which is no fun either (this is what my flight attendant did all day yesterday). Sarcasm and dry humor are cool and all, but not really when you're on an airplane and the person making fun of you is your flight attendant. (You wouldn't be allowed to snark at her, why does she get to make fun of us?)

Moral of the story: leave the jokes to the captain (because no one can argue with him- he's flying the plane, plus he's all cooped up in the cockpit and none of us will see him). I appreciate the attempt to amuse passengers from the flight attendant (sort of? not really),  but it's just not what I'm looking for in my cross-country flight.

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