Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Weather, Your Mood, the Beatles

Sorry if some of you are tired of hearing me talk about the weather. I hail from Washington; its an obsession.

Anyways, there are some bands or genres of music that I always associate with various types of weather. I don't care what anyone says, sunny days are Beatles days. When the weather is all nice and sunny, I just feel like rolling down the window (if I'm in a car. Clearly if I'm just chilling at my place, I'll shove the windows open- they don't roll down) and blasting some Beatles. I just found out that there are people in the world who don't like the Beatles and I find this very disturbing. What was missing from your childhood? Obviously it was a record player and JOY.

Right, so back to the point. Sun = windows open, music blasting. Good music. The Beatles. The Beatles are the best sunny-day music. Case in point, "Here Comes the Sun." Don't you feel more cheerful already? In a funny mood? Listen to "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" or "Rocky Raccoon" (maybe my two favorites). Bad mood, hating the world? Try "Eleanor Rigby". Just in a great mood, ready to embrace the weather? My suggestions are "Back in the USSR" or "With a Little Help from my Friends", or the cheeky 23 second-long gem from the Abbey Road album, "Her Majesty".

Just so you know, I am not a Beatles groupie or anything, I'm just saying their music is excellent for warm, sunny days (which I hope are coming soon, despite the dismal 10-day forecast). I do listen to other music on nice days (every day is a Disney playlist day), but the Beatles are just right. That, and most people won't pester you about blasting the Beatles (same does not always go for the Disney playlist), so it tends to be a pretty safe choice.

Now, if you also happen to like the Beatles, in whatever weather, I recommend the movie/album, "The Point", which is a psychedelic story made up in 1971 by Harry Nilsson and narrated by Ringo Starr. Its good listening, and quite charming.

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