Thursday, April 21, 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane... and Age-ism

I remember that song from hearing it at camp a bunch of times... but I always thought it was sad because John Denver sings it...and didn't reach his demise in an airplane crash- so he actually did leave on a jet plane (don't know if I'll come back again)? And that just makes it sad.

Anyways- I will be away Friday-Sunday, so I will be remiss in my blogging. Many apologies to people who read! You are out there, right? Probably...maybe? Anyways, I promise to jump back in on Monday with a new Artwork and Quote of the Week. Maybe I'll even find something interesting to write about while I'm in Las Vegas. (Clearly the best choice of destinations for the Easter holiday. Quick- can you name the seven deadly sins? Now do it in Latin! Go!)

On a side note- did you know you have to be 18 to buy cold medicine? I got IDed at the CVS (its a drugstore, for those of you reading from the West Coast) the other day. The CVS clerk is harassing me about my ID and all I can think is: "Honestly? My nose is running, I've sneezed four times since I entered the store, I can't stop coughing and my voice sounds funny from me being all congested- what do you think I'm up to buying cold medicine? Probably just trying to get rid of my cold! I'm not cooking up drugs or anything, sheesh. Leave me alone, I'm just sick- I'm not about to peddle cold remedies to "underage" 17 year olds." Need I mention it was Theraflu? Its not like I even was trying to buy pills. Theraflu is a powder you add to water to make Flu-tea...I wouldn't know how to cook that into its druggie constituent parts even if I wanted to (which I don't). I just want some relief from my cold/flu. Sheesh. The US is such an age discriminatory place. Apparently you can't even buy cold medicine until you're 18. And of course, one of my biggest peeves- you can't rent a car in the US until you are 25 (seriously? I will have been driving for 9 years at that point, sheesh). In order to rent the really nice cars at rental places, you have to be even older- one of the cars you had to be 41 years old. You could practically be President before they'd let you rent this car. What is the world coming to???

1 comment:

  1. This is my only reaction:
