Thursday, May 5, 2011

Finals Season

Its Finals Season...alternately known as Term Paper Season. If anyone wonders why I haven't blogged in the last few days, I humbly apologize and offer up finals as my excuse. I've read so many early 20th century newspapers for one term paper that I've forgotten how to properly use a comma (early 20th century newspaper articles: fun to read, but they really don't bother with grammar). I've visited the library website so many times (I figure that if I keep searching the library database, it will eventually find more useful books) that I really should give up my pride and bookmark it on my computer. My room is no longer my room, instead it is merely my command center, where I research and write (with occasional/frequent breaks for food).

Now, I'm generally as serious as anyone else is about studying/exams/papers, but I've really gone crazy for one of my papers. After a month researching and writing the first draft, I submitted it to my professor, eagerly awaiting her praise. Finally, she returned my draft back to me and I read her comments. She hated it- her comments tore my precious paper to shreds. Normally, this would hurt briefly and then I'd get over it, edit the paper a bit, submit a final draft, and never think about the paper again. But this paper was on the Middle Ages...and art....I like those things...I like thinking I'm pretty good at writing about those things. My professor's criticism cut deep. So now, I'm on the warpath. This paper will be the best thing she's ever read, or else. No stone will go unturned in my research (and by stones, I mean books...and by "no stone", I mean "no stone that isn't written in French, because I can't read French"). How serious am I? Real serious. I have even read all of these (plus another one that was sitting open and I forgot to grab):

If you are looking for one of these books...sorry that I'm hording them. I should be done with them soonish. In that pile are books from 7 different libraries, at schools all across the Northeast. I refuse to let my professor say that there isn't enough secondary (or primary for that matter) research in my beast of a term paper. Sunny weather be darned- I am hunkered down in my command center ignoring all distractions (except of course blogging, but since I haven't posted in two days, I sort of have to, right?) Anyways, back to work!

That's the command desk was too small to fit all of the books I needed. Anyways, good luck to all the people out there who are still studying to exams and writing papers like there's no tomorrow! Summer will come soon enough. And to those of you who have finished their tests and papers already and who are currently enjoying summer? I'm secretly really, really jealous of you.

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