Wednesday, May 11, 2011

John Cabot Isn't English?!

Sometimes you discover something that completely undermines your historical assumptions. This is one of those times. I always thought English explorer John Cabot was English... but no!!! John Cabot, like most of the other early world explorers is Italian!

Of course, the first thing that pops into my mind is: "Since when is anyone Italian ever named John Cabot?" But history books have been lying to you on this one too! John Cabot's real name is Giovanni Gabato (sounds much more Italian, doesn't it?)! The English just decided to pretend he was English and completely Anglicized his name. I mean, this is the man who discovered the territory that would become the Thirteen Colonies for the English!

Now, the whole Cabot thing is definitely a complete surprise for me (John Cabot isn't English! I'm still trying to reconcile myself to this fact), but there are of course lots of other Italian explorers who set off on their grand adventures for other countries. For instance, Christopher Columbus, who is from Genoa, navigated the seas and discovered the New World for Spain. How about Amerigo Vespucci, from whose name we get "America"? Also Italian. More Italians: Giovanni da Verrazzano (explored the New World for France), Pietro di Brazza (explored Africa for France).

Moral of the story: John Cabot is Italian, not English!

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