Monday, May 2, 2011

Important News and A Mediterranean Vacation

Dear Readers,

Later this month (May 20th), I'll be leaving for the distant land of Greece. I'll be working there for a month, during which time my internet access will be sketchy at best (and international phone service is always iffy). Subsequently, I will not be able to blog May 21st- June 18th. I promise you all some excellent posts when I arrive back in the United States (and I won't even overload you with Mycenaean stuff- which is what I'm doing in Greece). I thought I'd let you all know now, before I forget to say it, then everyone will wonder if I just quit blogging all of a sudden. No fears- I am here now and I will be back.

Since there's still some time before I leave, and I hate to leave the blog barren for a full month, I'd like to pose a question to you all: is there anyone who would like to guest-blog for the month? Maybe only once, maybe once a week, maybe whenever they feel like it. If the idea interests you, reply in the comments- I'm happy to have someone guest-blog whilst I am away!

Now, since it is finals, I am once again in the mood for a mini-vacation. But of course, since it is finals (and I have no money), it will have to be an imaginary vacation. For so today's post, I'll add a photo vacation to the Mediterranean (it was going to be just to Greece, since that seemed relevant, but as I was digging through some old vacation photos, I decided I liked some of the other ones better). The good news is that you don't even have to pack or pay for airfare, just sit back, relax, and prepare your eyes for this visual vacation:

 Sorrento, Italy

Capri, Italy

 Erechtheion, Acropolis, Athens, Greece

 Mykonos, Greece

 Mykonos, Greece

 Mykonos, Greece

 Old City, Rhodes, Greece

Library at Celsius, Ephesos, Turkey

Ignoring the fact that I clearly avoid taking pictures with people in them and don't take any notice of wonky horizon lines, I hope you enjoyed today's photo vacation!

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