Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Artwork/ Quote of the Week 2.27.2011

Another week has gone by (what?!) and it is almost March (when?! why?!), which means that it is also time for a new Artwork and Quote of the Week (whew, well I can handle that).

For this week's artwork, I picked a painting that kind of creeps me out (because the world isn't always ladies in gardens). It is a self-portrait of the American naturalist and painter Charles Willson Peale. It was commissioned in 1822 (yes, I know it seems like I'm on a bit of a "modern" kick right now...I'm sure it will pass. I promise something medieval for next week) for the Philadelphia Museum. When he painted this, Peale was already 81 years old. He believed that this work (which, by the way, is a very large 105 x 80 inches) was the most representative of him and his achievements. So here it is (and see if you can figure out why I think it is creepy):

The Artist in his Museum, Charles Willson Peale. 1822. PMA, Philadelphia.

As for this week's quote, we'll go 20th century with the English writer George Orwell (who I just discovered is actually named Eric Blair):
"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future."
-George Orwell

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