Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Easy Way to Make Friends in the Spring

I have a real penchant for pointing out the obvious, particularly when it comes to the weather. You know, like when its raining, I like to tell people how its raining. Then I like to tell them how long rain is in the forecast, what percentage it is being predicted, etc. Same goes for clouds. Yes, I know that pointing out that it is cloudy seems really pointless: "Oh hello!" "...Yes, the weather truly is neither here nor there today, isn't it?" "Hrm, well no, its not that I don't like cloudy weather...I guess I just don't have an opinion about clouds." " have to leave? Okay then. Enjoy the....clouds?"

But no one minds my idiotic weather talk when it is sunny. On days like today, you can broach the topic of weather, say: "It's a wonderful, sunny day today!" and people will totally eat it up. They'll smile, chat with you, basically be your friend, just because you both like the sun. (PS, I swear this is not how I make all my friends...Oh hey Oriane! Great weather today huh? Warm feels great after this winter. See you later!)

The nice thing about the weather as a conversational topic is that its really easy to keep on top of (in other words, its really obvious). For instance, if you didn't notice the weather, you can just look out the window, or check, or you know, go outside (totally not necessary though). People also like to talk about sports, but that is way harder to keep track of- everybody likes a different sport, and each sport has tons of teams, and every time a team plays, their stats change. So its a constant effort to keep on top of all sports. Plus people don't like to agree when it comes to sports, so even if you have the right factual information, you might not make any friends with sports chatter.

I'd like to warn that making friends on the mutual adoration of sunshine works best in the Spring. By the Summer, you will probably wonder why you ever liked the sun, as it slowly tries to fry everything in sight (this goes for most normal climates. Of course, if you live in a place like Washington, love of the sun can be successfully brought up anytime you want because it is such a rare sight in Washington).

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