Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Student's Ode to the Internet

This morning, I was reminded again of how much I love the internet (reading other posts, you may have noticed my love of internet-related technology). So, I thought I would do what people in love do: write an ode.

Unfortunately, I don't really know how to write an ode. What is the structure? Must it rhyme (I'm really terrible at rhyming)? But, I do remember my 5th grade Language Arts unit on poetry, so I think I can handle the situation. Instead of writing a traditional ode, I'm going to play to my strong suit and write a series of haikus.

'Net, how I love thee
Swifter than a winter breeze
Well... not dial-up

The joy of wi-fi
Online anywhere I want.
Look, Ma! No more cords!

Making research quick,
Databases and archives
All while I'm at home.

Is there anything better?
Hrm, maybe Google?

It brings us Blackboard.
Who am I kidding? That sucks.
No one likes Blackboard.

PDFs and Docs,
Shared instantly by email.
Gotta save them trees.

Where would we all be,
Without the wonderful web?
In the library.

1 comment:

  1. Haha funny and true! This afternoon random seeing you for a second prompted me to facebook stalk you. Your posts are great!
