Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Found my Future Home!

Choosing a home is a big decision, and for many it can be very difficult choice. However, I know exactly which one I want. And here it is in all its gloriousness:

Isn't it pretty? Being English and old, it even has a name: Highclere Castle. Yes, castle. Although there has been a house on the site since the mid 17th century, the current house was built in 1839 by Sir Charles Berry, who you may or may not know built the British Houses of Parliament. It was built in the "High Elizabethan style", meaning that even though it is old, it harkens back architecturally to the Tudors. The Earl at the time of the rebuilding had a thing for the Gothic style, so various parts of the house reflect this. I wish I could do that with my house- you know, just have them add in Gothic arches simply because I like them. But then again, if this were my castle, I would have them because I like them. (Mine! They'd be all mine!) Besides the Gothic-fantasy entrance, this is probably one of my favorite architectural parts of the house:

Making this house even cooler, it has its own ancient Egyptian exhibit. Why, you ask? Oh, only because one of the earls who lived in the house was buddies with Howard Carter, the man who excavated the tomb of Tutankhamen. Could this house be any more perfect? I don't think so.

Now, making this my house may be a bit of a challenge, because it is in England and everything, so I'd have to find a job there and such. Oh yeah, and its the hereditary property of the Earl of Carnarvon, so I'd have to convince the current Earl to give it to me. This might be a slight issue. Alternately, I have read that the Earl's son (aka the future 9th Earl of Carnarvon and therefore future owner of the most gorgeous house in existence) is turning 19 soon. Just saying (just kidding, Matt).

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