Tuesday, March 1, 2011

That's Right, I'm Going to Pick on Foreign Films

Watching a good old American movie, you can always take comfort that things will turn out all right. For the most part, the guy will get the girl, good will vanquish evil, and so on and so forth. No matter how bad things get for the characters during the movie, I know that it will come right in the end.

Now, if there's a foreign film market that has to take that concept to the extreme, its Bollywood. Three hours long and filled with song and dance, I LOVE Bollywood movies. Main character move across the world? No problem, she'll still get her man. Series of horrible misunderstandings or seemingly insurmountable difficulties? Never you fear, somehow Bollywood characters will overcome everything and love will triumph. What's not to like with that?

Then, on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, we have British films. They usually start out depressing, then progress slowly and painfully, only to have an unhappy ending. Tell me- what is the point of that?! If you are going to torture me with endless disappointments and torments for the characters, at least give them their happy ending! But no, things only ever go from bad to worse. Then, just maybe, you think things might start looking up- bam!- suddenly its worse than ever. Why can't the guy get the girl? Why can't the characters achieve whatever their dreams were? Come on England, why do you have to be like that? And its not just the UK, although they win the award for most depressing foreign films (Germany, I'm looking at you). Spain wins for most psychologically messed up movies (um, Pan's Labyrinth and the Orphanage).

Maybe it's wrong to pick on foreign films, but seriously, would it kill the British to make a movie with a happy ending? I know they can do comedy, at least in TVshows (Top Gear, the Fast Show, Monty Python). Maybe I should write to the Queen...or Parliament: "Save the Happy Ending!" "What do we want?" "Happy endings!" When do we want them?" "Now! Or in the next movie I watch...either works!"


  1. French films are notorious for their sad endings. Apparently, the French feel jilted when a movie ends on a high note (unless said film stars Audrey Tautou, of course). I think the French take the cake for most depressing cinema.

  2. Alexis, you've been watching the wrong British films. :-) Go out and see one of Mike Leigh's recent films -- I hear "Happy-Go-Lucky" is very good, and know I really liked "Another Year". "Billy Elliott" ain't bad either. Not to mention the latest Best Picture winner, "The King's Speech". Frankly, I think the British do happy better and (usually) less cheesy than we Americans do. :-)

  3. I both agree and disagree with you: 1) I LOVE Bollywood too!!! (we've talked about this) however, 2) Pan's Labyrinth, and that genre of psychologically screwy films, is my favorite type! I don't think that's Spain though - just a certain category! (this is Oriane, btw)
